Here is my google presentation! Hope you all enjoy!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Feb 28, 2010
Dr. Richard E. Miller Part 1
Virtual books I think are amazing, and a great way to save books that are not being published anymore and make them readily available to millions of people by just a click of a mouse. I liked how this video demonstrated how you can not only read the material, but you can watch videos that go along with that particular topic. Although I feel that virtual books are a great way to gain pertinent knowledge, I also feel that there is something remarkable about physically flipping through the ancient pages and a well used book. Books offer a history; it's almost like the story they hold capture you and pull you in. To me, you cannot gain that experience with virtual books, and not to mention, my eyes get so sleepy after staring at a screen for too long. I think that virtual books save a lot of money, and help with the environmental side of things, and they offer an unlimited supply of resources. Although they are very useful, I just cannot get over the experience a person gains by actually flipping through the pages of a book, and that to me is a priceless experience.
Part 2
I look at technology today and it amazes me how far we have come in just a short time. I remember when I first got the internet, and now I have it on my phone because I feel like I cannot live without it. As a student, I spend probably ninty percent of my time on the computer. Most of this is reading and researching different topics for school, I find it is so convenient. It's so interesting and amazing how I can skype in on a lesson on the other side of the world if I wanted to, or long onto iTunesU and have lesson on the different parts of a heart from another University and in that lesson I'm looking at a real heart. The way we are educated today is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. I think it is amazing and so interesting all of the wonderful resources that are out there when it comes to technology, yet I can't help but wonder if it ALL is worth it. In listening to Dr. Richard E. Miller's Part 2 video, I wonder if the amount of technology the world is creating is doing us more harm then good! When will technology go so far that it takes the actual teacher out of the classroom? All of us who are in school now to teach, could be out of a job if it goes too far. How about students that cannot afford all of the technologies that are required? Here at USA a nursing major, who is involved with clinical is too busy to have a full time job and most rely on their student loan checks to help with bills, yet they are required to purchase an itouch and two different medical books that need to be installed on it for their classes. Most of these students cannot afford it. I know I wouldn't be able to. So with all of these advances when will students be able to afford all of the technologies that are required at Universities? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the tools and resources that we have today, I just have a few concerns with them also.
Wendy Drexler
First of all, I have to say that I love the simple creativity that went into creating this video. The drawings and cut outs were great! The information in this video reminded me a lot of what our EDM class does. It's more of a self taught, reach out for help form other students, and force yourself to be self educated kind of class. I believe you never learn until you do it yourself, but I also feel that some guidance is needed. I do like how free you are to look and learn in so many different ways, which is what this video was all about. I see all of the benefits that come from self teaching and connected learning like what we are doing in EDM, and I do like how it forces you to make learning connections with people from all over the world. Because connected learning is something that you are forced to do on your own, it takes me back to concerns I've had in the past, when will technology take us so far, that it takes the teacher out of the classroom? This is a question that I'm concerned about since teaching is a field I'm entering into, and I'm not real sure on the answer to this question yet. What I do know is teachers are needed and technology is needed, and there has to be a way that both an co-exist in a happy beneficial way.
Toward a New Future of Whatever!
This is my second time watching this video and I must say, I've enjoyed it both times I've watched it. Michael Wesch is a brilliant speaker in my opinion, and gives such great information. I love how he talks about trends and what is socially expectable throughout the different generations. I think that it is so true that people are always searching for self recognitions and identity. In a society that is based so much on judgement it is hard to put yourself out there and make yourself known, but without doing this, how do you find yourself, how do you become a confident person? I find myself relating to those who are in the video cast. I panic about what I'm wearing or how I look all the time but to broad cast myself all over the internet for millions to see me, in a society I'm so new too, well the panic more then doubled. Its amazing to me though that no matter how many insecurities we have, no matter how hard we are trying to fit in, others feel the same way, and because of this, we as a society should be proud of who we are and try to teach others to to the same!!!
Virtual books I think are amazing, and a great way to save books that are not being published anymore and make them readily available to millions of people by just a click of a mouse. I liked how this video demonstrated how you can not only read the material, but you can watch videos that go along with that particular topic. Although I feel that virtual books are a great way to gain pertinent knowledge, I also feel that there is something remarkable about physically flipping through the ancient pages and a well used book. Books offer a history; it's almost like the story they hold capture you and pull you in. To me, you cannot gain that experience with virtual books, and not to mention, my eyes get so sleepy after staring at a screen for too long. I think that virtual books save a lot of money, and help with the environmental side of things, and they offer an unlimited supply of resources. Although they are very useful, I just cannot get over the experience a person gains by actually flipping through the pages of a book, and that to me is a priceless experience.
Part 2
I look at technology today and it amazes me how far we have come in just a short time. I remember when I first got the internet, and now I have it on my phone because I feel like I cannot live without it. As a student, I spend probably ninty percent of my time on the computer. Most of this is reading and researching different topics for school, I find it is so convenient. It's so interesting and amazing how I can skype in on a lesson on the other side of the world if I wanted to, or long onto iTunesU and have lesson on the different parts of a heart from another University and in that lesson I'm looking at a real heart. The way we are educated today is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. I think it is amazing and so interesting all of the wonderful resources that are out there when it comes to technology, yet I can't help but wonder if it ALL is worth it. In listening to Dr. Richard E. Miller's Part 2 video, I wonder if the amount of technology the world is creating is doing us more harm then good! When will technology go so far that it takes the actual teacher out of the classroom? All of us who are in school now to teach, could be out of a job if it goes too far. How about students that cannot afford all of the technologies that are required? Here at USA a nursing major, who is involved with clinical is too busy to have a full time job and most rely on their student loan checks to help with bills, yet they are required to purchase an itouch and two different medical books that need to be installed on it for their classes. Most of these students cannot afford it. I know I wouldn't be able to. So with all of these advances when will students be able to afford all of the technologies that are required at Universities? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the tools and resources that we have today, I just have a few concerns with them also.
Wendy Drexler
First of all, I have to say that I love the simple creativity that went into creating this video. The drawings and cut outs were great! The information in this video reminded me a lot of what our EDM class does. It's more of a self taught, reach out for help form other students, and force yourself to be self educated kind of class. I believe you never learn until you do it yourself, but I also feel that some guidance is needed. I do like how free you are to look and learn in so many different ways, which is what this video was all about. I see all of the benefits that come from self teaching and connected learning like what we are doing in EDM, and I do like how it forces you to make learning connections with people from all over the world. Because connected learning is something that you are forced to do on your own, it takes me back to concerns I've had in the past, when will technology take us so far, that it takes the teacher out of the classroom? This is a question that I'm concerned about since teaching is a field I'm entering into, and I'm not real sure on the answer to this question yet. What I do know is teachers are needed and technology is needed, and there has to be a way that both an co-exist in a happy beneficial way.
Toward a New Future of Whatever!
This is my second time watching this video and I must say, I've enjoyed it both times I've watched it. Michael Wesch is a brilliant speaker in my opinion, and gives such great information. I love how he talks about trends and what is socially expectable throughout the different generations. I think that it is so true that people are always searching for self recognitions and identity. In a society that is based so much on judgement it is hard to put yourself out there and make yourself known, but without doing this, how do you find yourself, how do you become a confident person? I find myself relating to those who are in the video cast. I panic about what I'm wearing or how I look all the time but to broad cast myself all over the internet for millions to see me, in a society I'm so new too, well the panic more then doubled. Its amazing to me though that no matter how many insecurities we have, no matter how hard we are trying to fit in, others feel the same way, and because of this, we as a society should be proud of who we are and try to teach others to to the same!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
David Warlick, 2 cents worth. Comments for Teachers!
David Warlick is a teacher whom travels all over giving speeches on different ways and kinds of technology. He is a very busy man is appears to me, whom is always on the go. I couldn't help but be jealous of how much traveling he does, since traveling the world is my life's dream. What I enjoyed most about Mr. Warlick's blog is that he not only talks about what he does when he travels, but he also adds in some personal adventures as well. One topic that Mr. Warlick talked about was talking walks around new area's that he is traveling too. He talked about how refreshing it was to get out and breath the fresh air, and how he wasn't a huge fan of treadmills. I had to admit, I am a fan of the treadmill, when it comes to working out, but when the stresses of life get to me I turn to a nice long walk as well. There is something so incredible about strolling around an area, and taking in all of the scenery, breathing in the fresh air, and making note to what is going on around you. I think I come up with some of my best ideas and always do my greatest thinking when I'm on a long walk! I like the humor that Mr. Warlick used while blogging about his conferences. I loved how he said he was competing for the attention of his peer with chocolate cake. The facts that he gives about technology is also something I found very interesting. Out of all the blogs that I have read from Mr. Warlick, my favorite has been the one where he spent over thirty minutes tying to get his computer sound and presentation to work, and he couldn't, then realized he forgot to charge the battery. I loved to see that this very intelligent man, whom is so smart when it comes to technology makes silly little mistakes as well. I've highly enjoyed reading Mr. Warlick's blog, it's very interesting.
Comments for Kids Catch-Up!!
So, because of being completely unaware, I have not been blogging about my comments for kids, although I have been commenting, so this blog is meant to catch me up on the lack of blogging on the last four weeks! The first week that we did comments for kids, I commented on a young students blog about Fall, and why fall was his favorite time of year. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year also. Joseph S and I agreed on many of the same reasons as to why fall is so special to us. A lot of it had to do with sports, the weather, family and food! Joseph wrote and exceptionally great blog, and has a lot of writing talent.
The second weeks comments for kids was on a class learning an Australian song called the Kookaburra. I thought that teaching students a cultural tradition like this is a great way to expand a students learning. It was a fun positive way to teach students about other cultures and broaden their horizons.
The third weeks comments for kids was on a young student named Rowanda. Rowanda, stated in her video that she loved apples and wanted to learn to write stories better. Rowanda, was a little shy on her video, but did a great job expressing what she wanted to work on throughout the school year.
And finally this weeks comments for kids was on two different short writings. One was on family, and how important they should be to a person. I was impressed with the amount of maturity and the understanding of how truly important family is and always should be. The other was a riddle about a creature and you were supposed to figure out what it was. It was very short, yet very descriptive. This student had a lot of creativity coming up with something like this. I was very impressed.
The second weeks comments for kids was on a class learning an Australian song called the Kookaburra. I thought that teaching students a cultural tradition like this is a great way to expand a students learning. It was a fun positive way to teach students about other cultures and broaden their horizons.
The third weeks comments for kids was on a young student named Rowanda. Rowanda, stated in her video that she loved apples and wanted to learn to write stories better. Rowanda, was a little shy on her video, but did a great job expressing what she wanted to work on throughout the school year.
And finally this weeks comments for kids was on two different short writings. One was on family, and how important they should be to a person. I was impressed with the amount of maturity and the understanding of how truly important family is and always should be. The other was a riddle about a creature and you were supposed to figure out what it was. It was very short, yet very descriptive. This student had a lot of creativity coming up with something like this. I was very impressed.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Feb 21, 2001
iTunes University
I cannot believe how cool iTunes University is! It has so much information to offer. I think that it is amazing how teachers and students can post so many different learning materials, and share their knowledge with the world. Anything and everything that you could possibly think of is on iTunes University. What I think was the most amazing about this learning tool is that it is user friendly to all people. I love how it has VoiceOver for those who are visually impaired, and how for students that have physical or motor skill needs, iTunes allows those students to be involved in a classroom environment, yet they can learn at their own pace! I think that that is an amazing thing!
While I was busy playing around on iTunes U, I went to what is on iTunes U, and found a list of subjects that you can click on with a complete array of different colleges offering learning tips, and educational information. I went to a video on bridging the gap between students home and leisurely life and their educational life. This video talked about how bringing in activities that students enjoy doing outside of the classroom as learning tool inside of the classroom. I've always believed that if you can make learning a game, something more then just a lecture time, and yes I'll use the cliche, teach "out side of the box," then they will learn, and remember, instead of memorizing and forgetting. In this particular video, students were allowed to engage in playing guitar hero. Now, after watching several videos, I'm not sure how they feel that playing guitar hero is an educational idea, but I do agree with the teachers that spoke that it would create better class unity, and encouragement amongst the students.
Another are that I went to was test stress reduction, which as a student, and a future teacher, I thought might be a good area to explore. One of the short video casts that I watched was on how to help Navy Seals pass their training, and actually become a Seal. This video said that they were taught four different brain or stress control techniques. Those techniques were goal settings, mental rehearsal, self talk, and arousal control. The gentleman speaking on this topic, said that these are four skills that he teaches and has been teaching for years to help students prepare for test taking. I think the thing I enjoyed most about this cast, was that it teaches you to focus on what you can do, and not on what you cannot do. I think that this is a valuable lesson that teachers need to instill in their students. It will help so much with self confidence, and that is something that students lack so much of in todays world.
Over all iTunes U is something that I will be using a lot when I start teaching, and will use now to further my education. I think that it is an amazing tool that everyone should know about.
Alice Christie
Throughout my blogging experience I was a little worried about internet safety, but it really started to concern me when we started Comments for Kids. I wondered, if a semi-technology intelligent persons, such as myself, can access these children, what about all the technology savvy weirdos that are out there to wanting to harm children doing. Student blogs and podcasts have got to be a bad mans or woman's dream, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. When I visited Alice Christie's site there was an entire presentation on internet safety, and because of my concerns, I decided to educate myself on how these precious children are being protected. To my surprise when I started this presentation, it was more about facts oh children using the internet, how they are using it, the percentage of children usage as a particular age, and what teens are using the internet for and how it makes their lives easier. By about the twenty fifth slide, I finally got to internet safety, and the number one way is internet monitoring software, and parental supervision. It amazed me the statistics shown on parents not discussing internet safety with their children, some not knowing what their children were doing on the internet period. As a future teacher, the safety of my students is my number one priority, and I hope that I can help parents know and learn what they can do to help protect their children on the internet but using NetSmartz and other tool such as this. The information and the presentations that are on this site are so valuable that I wish every student, parent, teacher, and all others could take fifteen minutes of their day and educate themselves on internet safety. This site is filled with outstanding information, and is a site I plan on visiting on a regular basis to continue to educate myself.
I cannot believe how cool iTunes University is! It has so much information to offer. I think that it is amazing how teachers and students can post so many different learning materials, and share their knowledge with the world. Anything and everything that you could possibly think of is on iTunes University. What I think was the most amazing about this learning tool is that it is user friendly to all people. I love how it has VoiceOver for those who are visually impaired, and how for students that have physical or motor skill needs, iTunes allows those students to be involved in a classroom environment, yet they can learn at their own pace! I think that that is an amazing thing!
While I was busy playing around on iTunes U, I went to what is on iTunes U, and found a list of subjects that you can click on with a complete array of different colleges offering learning tips, and educational information. I went to a video on bridging the gap between students home and leisurely life and their educational life. This video talked about how bringing in activities that students enjoy doing outside of the classroom as learning tool inside of the classroom. I've always believed that if you can make learning a game, something more then just a lecture time, and yes I'll use the cliche, teach "out side of the box," then they will learn, and remember, instead of memorizing and forgetting. In this particular video, students were allowed to engage in playing guitar hero. Now, after watching several videos, I'm not sure how they feel that playing guitar hero is an educational idea, but I do agree with the teachers that spoke that it would create better class unity, and encouragement amongst the students.
Another are that I went to was test stress reduction, which as a student, and a future teacher, I thought might be a good area to explore. One of the short video casts that I watched was on how to help Navy Seals pass their training, and actually become a Seal. This video said that they were taught four different brain or stress control techniques. Those techniques were goal settings, mental rehearsal, self talk, and arousal control. The gentleman speaking on this topic, said that these are four skills that he teaches and has been teaching for years to help students prepare for test taking. I think the thing I enjoyed most about this cast, was that it teaches you to focus on what you can do, and not on what you cannot do. I think that this is a valuable lesson that teachers need to instill in their students. It will help so much with self confidence, and that is something that students lack so much of in todays world.
Over all iTunes U is something that I will be using a lot when I start teaching, and will use now to further my education. I think that it is an amazing tool that everyone should know about.
Alice Christie
Throughout my blogging experience I was a little worried about internet safety, but it really started to concern me when we started Comments for Kids. I wondered, if a semi-technology intelligent persons, such as myself, can access these children, what about all the technology savvy weirdos that are out there to wanting to harm children doing. Student blogs and podcasts have got to be a bad mans or woman's dream, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. When I visited Alice Christie's site there was an entire presentation on internet safety, and because of my concerns, I decided to educate myself on how these precious children are being protected. To my surprise when I started this presentation, it was more about facts oh children using the internet, how they are using it, the percentage of children usage as a particular age, and what teens are using the internet for and how it makes their lives easier. By about the twenty fifth slide, I finally got to internet safety, and the number one way is internet monitoring software, and parental supervision. It amazed me the statistics shown on parents not discussing internet safety with their children, some not knowing what their children were doing on the internet period. As a future teacher, the safety of my students is my number one priority, and I hope that I can help parents know and learn what they can do to help protect their children on the internet but using NetSmartz and other tool such as this. The information and the presentations that are on this site are so valuable that I wish every student, parent, teacher, and all others could take fifteen minutes of their day and educate themselves on internet safety. This site is filled with outstanding information, and is a site I plan on visiting on a regular basis to continue to educate myself.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Feb 14, 2010
Who's Been Messin with My Wikipedia? Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia, and Wired
I'll never forget when I first started to use the internet as a child, all the adults in my life warned me not to trust everything that I would read on the internet. Teachers were always telling their classes, don't go to this site for a reference, "It's unreliable!" As the internet became a more popular, and almost a necessity of life, the less I would hear the famous, "it's unreliable," quote! As I was reading this blog, it was like I was having flash backs to when I was a child. I cannot deny the fact that I was in complete shock when I read some of the sources that were editing Wikipedia. You would assume that a website would be reliable if people from the CIA, or members of congress are doing the editing, but that does not seem to be the case. I was in disbelief when I read that Congressmen were editing their own entries, which I shouldn't have been since there is scandal after scandal in the news about all different types of political party members. I guess if they can pull off some of the things you hear in the news, why wouldn't they edit themselves on the internet to look better!?!? I believe that if sources of this stature are editing Wikipedia, then they should let viewers know. Why hide who's editing these pages? Well, the answer to that question became very clear to me when I read Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia. It's unbelievable to me that Wal-Mart changes so drastically what they say about wages and what employees should make, or that Corporations are allowed to delete information involving integrity of that company. I was very upset when I read that one company erased information involving them in environmental disasters. With the use of the Wikipedia Scanner, I hope that the information on Wikipedia does become more reliable. I guess it's safe to say that all the adults in my life were right when they said, "It's unreliable!"
What I've Learned This Year
I wish college would teach this life experience to new teachers instead of teaching standards! standards! standards! I learned way back, before I even decided I wanted to be an educator, that education is all about standards. I do not think that I need to pay thousands of dollars to learn that lesson. I knew how important standards were when I was still in High School taking test, after test, after test, my junior year. I decided to be an educator because I wanted to make a difference in a child's life, I wanted to be that one person, that when they are grown up, looks back and thinks, she really believed in me and helped me get to where I am today. I want to educate children and let them know that learning truly is fun! I want to be the best teacher I can be, and I don't feel like learning standards is what will make me accomplish my dream. I feel that knowing, "how to read the crowd," will help me become a great teacher. Knowing that not every student is going to learn the same way or at the same speed, that will make me a great teacher. Understanding that sometimes you have to change things up a little in order to make progress in the classroom, that will make me a great teacher. Listening to my students, co-workers, and superiors, that will make me a great teacher. Having passion for what I do, that will make me a great teacher. I wish every person, in every classroom, that is entering into the field of education, could have an experience like Mr. McClung, before they had full control of their own classroom. The lessons that this teacher experienced, are lessons that cannot be taught from a book, or a little bit of observing. These are lessons of experience, these are the lessons that teachers should be taught.
Creating Digital Video Reflections
I loved what this teacher did! I love watching things more then I do reading them, I seem to learn better from watching, it gives me a visual component to look back upon and recall what I was learning. Doing digital video reflections is so much better then typing a response to an assignment I think! Part of the reason I like watching better then reading, is because sometimes words can be taken out of context, but when you watch what a person is saying, you get to see their facial expressions which makes the message more clear a lot of times. The pictures, and the video were an awesome touch as well! I think that since technology is such an important, fast changing epidemic, every classroom should have a "Digital Video Reflection" area! Great idea!!
I'll never forget when I first started to use the internet as a child, all the adults in my life warned me not to trust everything that I would read on the internet. Teachers were always telling their classes, don't go to this site for a reference, "It's unreliable!" As the internet became a more popular, and almost a necessity of life, the less I would hear the famous, "it's unreliable," quote! As I was reading this blog, it was like I was having flash backs to when I was a child. I cannot deny the fact that I was in complete shock when I read some of the sources that were editing Wikipedia. You would assume that a website would be reliable if people from the CIA, or members of congress are doing the editing, but that does not seem to be the case. I was in disbelief when I read that Congressmen were editing their own entries, which I shouldn't have been since there is scandal after scandal in the news about all different types of political party members. I guess if they can pull off some of the things you hear in the news, why wouldn't they edit themselves on the internet to look better!?!? I believe that if sources of this stature are editing Wikipedia, then they should let viewers know. Why hide who's editing these pages? Well, the answer to that question became very clear to me when I read Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia. It's unbelievable to me that Wal-Mart changes so drastically what they say about wages and what employees should make, or that Corporations are allowed to delete information involving integrity of that company. I was very upset when I read that one company erased information involving them in environmental disasters. With the use of the Wikipedia Scanner, I hope that the information on Wikipedia does become more reliable. I guess it's safe to say that all the adults in my life were right when they said, "It's unreliable!"
What I've Learned This Year
I wish college would teach this life experience to new teachers instead of teaching standards! standards! standards! I learned way back, before I even decided I wanted to be an educator, that education is all about standards. I do not think that I need to pay thousands of dollars to learn that lesson. I knew how important standards were when I was still in High School taking test, after test, after test, my junior year. I decided to be an educator because I wanted to make a difference in a child's life, I wanted to be that one person, that when they are grown up, looks back and thinks, she really believed in me and helped me get to where I am today. I want to educate children and let them know that learning truly is fun! I want to be the best teacher I can be, and I don't feel like learning standards is what will make me accomplish my dream. I feel that knowing, "how to read the crowd," will help me become a great teacher. Knowing that not every student is going to learn the same way or at the same speed, that will make me a great teacher. Understanding that sometimes you have to change things up a little in order to make progress in the classroom, that will make me a great teacher. Listening to my students, co-workers, and superiors, that will make me a great teacher. Having passion for what I do, that will make me a great teacher. I wish every person, in every classroom, that is entering into the field of education, could have an experience like Mr. McClung, before they had full control of their own classroom. The lessons that this teacher experienced, are lessons that cannot be taught from a book, or a little bit of observing. These are lessons of experience, these are the lessons that teachers should be taught.
Creating Digital Video Reflections
I loved what this teacher did! I love watching things more then I do reading them, I seem to learn better from watching, it gives me a visual component to look back upon and recall what I was learning. Doing digital video reflections is so much better then typing a response to an assignment I think! Part of the reason I like watching better then reading, is because sometimes words can be taken out of context, but when you watch what a person is saying, you get to see their facial expressions which makes the message more clear a lot of times. The pictures, and the video were an awesome touch as well! I think that since technology is such an important, fast changing epidemic, every classroom should have a "Digital Video Reflection" area! Great idea!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Feb 7, 2010
Langwitches Blog
I think it's safe to say that most people are uncomfortable talking about a topic that they are unfamiliar with, especially when it comes to technology. I know I always feel very out of place when I'm entered into a conversation that I know nothing about, but I also like listening to what the others are saying, always hoping that I can learn from the conversation. When I was reading Langwitches Blog, I understood and sympathized with the parents that got the "glazed" eye look. Although I sympathized with them, I feel that it is wonderful that they are learning about all the technologies that are dancing around this big world, and how these technologies are teaching kids the same basics and a much more in depth way. To most, myself included, I didn't understand the importance of blogging or teaching wiki, or skyping especially podcasting, but I now see the importance after reading his blog. My goodness these tools teach a lot of hands on life experience that these students will need when they hit the real world. Now, I'm still personally not a fan of podcasts, but I do think they are a great why to practice auditory skills, literacy, presentation skills, and communications skills. Overall, all the tools that I thought were nice to know how to do but kinda unnecessary to teach in a classroom, I now feel are very necessary and very important to teach!
David Tuss- The Trap
Oh how I do love the way this man thinks! I don't think I could agree with him more! Educational traps are all over the place. I truly feel that half the reason that kids get annoyed or bored with school is because most of the time it is boring. Teachers are forced to "buy a program" and teach directly from a book. To me, teaching from a book and not adding any creative process behind it, is forcing students to memorize and forget, and where is the learning in that. I feel as future educators we really need to find a way to teach the standards, but teach them in a way that students are going to enjoy and remember, and take that lesson and apply it to life. I really believe that technology based tools like podcasts, blogging, skyping, and so on are tools that we can use to teach the standards in a creative way.
I think it's safe to say that most people are uncomfortable talking about a topic that they are unfamiliar with, especially when it comes to technology. I know I always feel very out of place when I'm entered into a conversation that I know nothing about, but I also like listening to what the others are saying, always hoping that I can learn from the conversation. When I was reading Langwitches Blog, I understood and sympathized with the parents that got the "glazed" eye look. Although I sympathized with them, I feel that it is wonderful that they are learning about all the technologies that are dancing around this big world, and how these technologies are teaching kids the same basics and a much more in depth way. To most, myself included, I didn't understand the importance of blogging or teaching wiki, or skyping especially podcasting, but I now see the importance after reading his blog. My goodness these tools teach a lot of hands on life experience that these students will need when they hit the real world. Now, I'm still personally not a fan of podcasts, but I do think they are a great why to practice auditory skills, literacy, presentation skills, and communications skills. Overall, all the tools that I thought were nice to know how to do but kinda unnecessary to teach in a classroom, I now feel are very necessary and very important to teach!
David Tuss- The Trap
Oh how I do love the way this man thinks! I don't think I could agree with him more! Educational traps are all over the place. I truly feel that half the reason that kids get annoyed or bored with school is because most of the time it is boring. Teachers are forced to "buy a program" and teach directly from a book. To me, teaching from a book and not adding any creative process behind it, is forcing students to memorize and forget, and where is the learning in that. I feel as future educators we really need to find a way to teach the standards, but teach them in a way that students are going to enjoy and remember, and take that lesson and apply it to life. I really believe that technology based tools like podcasts, blogging, skyping, and so on are tools that we can use to teach the standards in a creative way.
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