Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Comments for Kids Catch-Up!!

So, because of being completely unaware, I have not been blogging about my comments for kids, although I have been commenting, so this blog is meant to catch me up on the lack of blogging on the last four weeks! The first week that we did comments for kids, I commented on a young students blog about Fall, and why fall was his favorite time of year. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year also. Joseph S and I agreed on many of the same reasons as to why fall is so special to us. A lot of it had to do with sports, the weather, family and food! Joseph wrote and exceptionally great blog, and has a lot of writing talent.

The second weeks comments for kids was on a class learning an Australian song called the Kookaburra. I thought that teaching students a cultural tradition like this is a great way to expand a students learning. It was a fun positive way to teach students about other cultures and broaden their horizons.

The third weeks comments for kids was on a young student named Rowanda. Rowanda, stated in her video that she loved apples and wanted to learn to write stories better. Rowanda, was a little shy on her video, but did a great job expressing what she wanted to work on throughout the school year.

And finally this weeks comments for kids was on two different short writings. One was on family, and how important they should be to a person. I was impressed with the amount of maturity and the understanding of how truly important family is and always should be. The other was a riddle about a creature and you were supposed to figure out what it was. It was very short, yet very descriptive. This student had a lot of creativity coming up with something like this. I was very impressed.

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