Dr. Richard E. Miller Part 1
Virtual books I think are amazing, and a great way to save books that are not being published anymore and make them readily available to millions of people by just a click of a mouse. I liked how this video demonstrated how you can not only read the material, but you can watch videos that go along with that particular topic. Although I feel that virtual books are a great way to gain pertinent knowledge, I also feel that there is something remarkable about physically flipping through the ancient pages and a well used book. Books offer a history; it's almost like the story they hold capture you and pull you in. To me, you cannot gain that experience with virtual books, and not to mention, my eyes get so sleepy after staring at a screen for too long. I think that virtual books save a lot of money, and help with the environmental side of things, and they offer an unlimited supply of resources. Although they are very useful, I just cannot get over the experience a person gains by actually flipping through the pages of a book, and that to me is a priceless experience.
Part 2
I look at technology today and it amazes me how far we have come in just a short time. I remember when I first got the internet, and now I have it on my phone because I feel like I cannot live without it. As a student, I spend probably ninty percent of my time on the computer. Most of this is reading and researching different topics for school, I find it is so convenient. It's so interesting and amazing how I can skype in on a lesson on the other side of the world if I wanted to, or long onto iTunesU and have lesson on the different parts of a heart from another University and in that lesson I'm looking at a real heart. The way we are educated today is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. I think it is amazing and so interesting all of the wonderful resources that are out there when it comes to technology, yet I can't help but wonder if it ALL is worth it. In listening to Dr. Richard E. Miller's Part 2 video, I wonder if the amount of technology the world is creating is doing us more harm then good! When will technology go so far that it takes the actual teacher out of the classroom? All of us who are in school now to teach, could be out of a job if it goes too far. How about students that cannot afford all of the technologies that are required? Here at USA a nursing major, who is involved with clinical is too busy to have a full time job and most rely on their student loan checks to help with bills, yet they are required to purchase an itouch and two different medical books that need to be installed on it for their classes. Most of these students cannot afford it. I know I wouldn't be able to. So with all of these advances when will students be able to afford all of the technologies that are required at Universities? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the tools and resources that we have today, I just have a few concerns with them also.
Wendy Drexler
First of all, I have to say that I love the simple creativity that went into creating this video. The drawings and cut outs were great! The information in this video reminded me a lot of what our EDM class does. It's more of a self taught, reach out for help form other students, and force yourself to be self educated kind of class. I believe you never learn until you do it yourself, but I also feel that some guidance is needed. I do like how free you are to look and learn in so many different ways, which is what this video was all about. I see all of the benefits that come from self teaching and connected learning like what we are doing in EDM, and I do like how it forces you to make learning connections with people from all over the world. Because connected learning is something that you are forced to do on your own, it takes me back to concerns I've had in the past, when will technology take us so far, that it takes the teacher out of the classroom? This is a question that I'm concerned about since teaching is a field I'm entering into, and I'm not real sure on the answer to this question yet. What I do know is teachers are needed and technology is needed, and there has to be a way that both an co-exist in a happy beneficial way.
Toward a New Future of Whatever!
This is my second time watching this video and I must say, I've enjoyed it both times I've watched it. Michael Wesch is a brilliant speaker in my opinion, and gives such great information. I love how he talks about trends and what is socially expectable throughout the different generations. I think that it is so true that people are always searching for self recognitions and identity. In a society that is based so much on judgement it is hard to put yourself out there and make yourself known, but without doing this, how do you find yourself, how do you become a confident person? I find myself relating to those who are in the video cast. I panic about what I'm wearing or how I look all the time but to broad cast myself all over the internet for millions to see me, in a society I'm so new too, well the panic more then doubled. Its amazing to me though that no matter how many insecurities we have, no matter how hard we are trying to fit in, others feel the same way, and because of this, we as a society should be proud of who we are and try to teach others to to the same!!!
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I agree with your view on virtual books I think they are a great tool and an amazing way to keep things for easy access.